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Quite Spectacular

Reviews of books I've found to be really rather quite spectacular

The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project was one of my favourite reads of the year, so I couldn't believe it when I saw The Rosie Effect on Netgalley. After finishing The Rosie Effect, I can safely say that Don is still tied with Ryan Dean West of Winger as my favourite character of the year. 


I must say, if you haven't read The Rosie Project then I suggest you drop everything and get a copy before starting The Rosie Effect because it is full on Don and if you're not familiar with Don, well...just read the first one first. However, if you are a Rosie Project fan, you will definitely not be disappointed with the latest instalment. 


Like its predecessor, The Rosie Effect is full of warmth and love and hilarity but I think it's a little more serious due to the nature of Don's latest project. There's plenty of shenanigans but these often revealed truths about those of us who hide behind the social dances that Don just can't get down with. 


There's plenty to chew on about the first year of marriage and compromise, which doesn't come naturally to Don. There's also lots to think about with regards to families and friendships- broken and unbroken, old and new. I loved Dave and Sonia and, of course, Gene and all the trouble he brings in his wake. I also liked that we are given a glimpse into expat life, which is something more and more people can relate to these days as we move around the globe, and the good and bad of starting life in a new and sometimes confusing environment. Similarly, I thought the 'modern woman - having it all, doing it all' part of Rosie's story was really interesting and I'm sure many women will be able to relate to Rosie's predicament. Having said that, I would have liked to see even more Rosie because she's a wonderful character.


Overall, I really enjoyed The Rosie Effect, mostly because of the charming characters. Don's story could go on and on. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to know what happens next with you-know-who!